As many of you know by now, the decade old Parkjet kit producer 6mmFlyRC closed their doors last month and stopped shipping out kits due to the difficulty of obtaining locally sourced Depron and a general slow down in the kit business in everything not "drone" related.
Bye Bye Depron?
Annoucement, Building, KnowledgeLAST MINUTE GIFTS
AnnoucementGuys, we know ourselves. Many of you haven't even put together a Christmas list for your loved ones so they are likely strolling the local malls and big box stores looking for something that might catch their eye. That's why we men end up with cartoon character ties, wool socks, and some tool that we likely will never use. And that's on a good Christmas. A bad year we are looking a tin of popcorn and underwear. Don't let this be a bad year.
So we are here to help you out. Just forward this E-mail to whoever to clue them in on a couple of ideas.
AnnoucementFor those of you that have been with Parkjets for a while now, you know that our main sponsor, offers some really cool kits for many of the designs right here on Parkjets. As a way to celebrate small business, and 6mmFlyRC is a small business, they are offering our followers/subscribers $5 off any of their kits, both full fuse (Original Series) and the profile style (Quick Build) parkjet kits.
Now, I'm told that in the nearly 10 years that 6mmFlyRC has been offering kits, they have never done a discount for anyone, but starting now, through the last minute of May, you can get a sweet $5 off.
Top 10So the first month of 2014 is already over and we are just pressing halfway through Feburary. How time flies! Hopefully many of you trapped by the mountain of snow in much of the country have had a great opportunity to get in some much needed build time on your spring fleet.
As always, let's take a look at the most popular plans for January 2014. We have a couple of old friends crack back into the list and the reigning king is de-throned for the top spot. Here we go.
InterviewFor those of you that have been following Parkjets for a while, you will be familiar with our interviews with popular RC airplane designers that have allowed us to host their awesome designs right on our site. It has been a while since we posted an interview and so we thought its time for a fresh one.
We reached out to Tomas Hellberg and he gratiously agreed. Tomas has designed some of the most popular and rock stable designs on Parkjets, including the F-22, F-18, SU-31, SU-37 and more. His designs feature simple build techniques with tabbed construction and profile looks. His unique thrust vectoring tabs allow for excellent acrobatics without a lot of fuss. And we should mention that our prime sponsor, 6mmFlyRC, features many of Tomas' designs as kits, so you can get your hands on a laser cut version. Okay, that's enough of an introduction, let's kick this off....
InterviewOne of the more popular resources on Parkjets is the various interviews we have conducted designer and companies in the RC Community. A lot of people enjoy reading the interviews for idea and inspiration for their next build. We thought it might be a good idea to do an “interview roundup” and pull out some of the best tidbits from each interview, link them all and create an easy resource for you to go to time and time again. And since we are reaching out to designers and members of the RC Community all the time, this is one resource that will continue to grow, just like the number of free downloads in our catalog.
If you have never taken a few minutes and actually read through these interviews, there is almost something for everyone, so get a cup of coffee or something and read over a few.