
#1 in RC Parkjet Plans

F-22 Parkjet


Top 10ParkJets

Every month, we have been posting the Top 10 list of the most popular plans on Parkjets.  So now its time for December 2012!  So how do we determine the most popular downloads?  Simple, we analyze the intenet traffic and rank the plans based on popular plans for the month.  

So let's not waste any time, after all, its nearly 2013.  Here we go:



One of the more popular resources on Parkjets is the various interviews we have conducted designer and companies in the RC Community.  A lot of people enjoy reading the interviews for idea and inspiration for their next build.  We thought it might be a good idea to do an “interview roundup” and pull out some of the best tidbits from each interview, link them all and create an easy resource for you to go to time and time again.  And since we are reaching out to designers and members of the RC Community all the time, this is one resource that will continue to grow, just like the number of free downloads in our catalog. 

If you have never taken a few minutes and actually read through these interviews, there is almost something for everyone, so get a cup of coffee or something and read over a few.