NEW PLAN - SU-37 FLANKER — Parkjets


#1 in RC Parkjet Plans


New PlansParkJets

October is here and so it's time for some new plans for the FREE PLANS catalog. And right on time Jamie Rothwell, the designer of the Alpha Jet, F-15 and others sent us his version of one the best looking designs in aviation history, the SU-37 Flanker.  So, we got it up and posted.  Time to check out the specifics:

These plans are really like a two for one.  You see, he included in the file a twin engine version as well as a single engine variation.  Want insane power?  Go twin.  Simplier build with a single engine, you can't go wrong.  The entire plane is built out of two sheets of 6mm Depron foam and does require some carbon fiber rods for strength. Be sure to make sure you have plenty of it.  And if you are familar with Jamie Rothwell's park flyer designs, you will be sure to notice the unique score and fold method he uses to achieve scale looks without the hastle of sanding or building up a box frame.  

You will also notice that the specfications vary greatly, that's because of the twin and single engine options.  If you have questions, we recommend getting in touch with the designer on his facebook page.  Easy enough, now go and DOWNLOAD the plans and get to building.