NEW PLAN - SU-37/27 — Parkjets


#1 in RC Parkjet Plans

NEW PLAN - SU-37/27

New PlansParkJets

Last week we uploaded a new plan to our FREE plans page. Jamie Rothwell let us know he has made some modifications and some size adjustments to his very popular SU-37 plans.  

First, he shrunk the plans to 80% of the original size.  Then he cleaned up the plans, improved the canopy, nacels and some other minor tweeks.  Then he changed the plans to allow for a simple modification so that the builder could convert the plans to the SU-27 with a little effort.  

The result is a very (we mean very) well documented plan that gives a builder a great platform to take to the park and waste an afternoon.  

Jamie uses the score and fold method to build up his fuse and if you have seen our "Top 10 List" over the past 6 months, his planes are very popular and for good reason.  His plans utilize a simple construction method, the planes he has chosen provide large wings, low weight and excellent performace, and because of the design, his plans are also semi-scale, so that in the air, they look fantastic. 

Give the new plans a shot, and be sure to donate directly to Mr. Rothwell if you enjoy the plans.