TOP 10 PLANS - MARCH — Parkjets


#1 in RC Parkjet Plans


Top 10ParkJets

Ehh, we skipped a month there on the Top 10 list, and that can happen from time to time as life gets in the way. But we do have the numbers from March 2014, and we nearly had a new #1. But, with just 13 fewer downloads (out of 2,100), a newcomer just came up short. 

Let's get to the Top 10 most downloaded plans on Parkjets!

10. Super Bandit by Steve Shumate - The Super Bandit hasn't been on the list for a long time. And it's honestly one of the best looking designs out there so it should be a regular. A real easy build, with options for pusher and EDF configurations, the Super Bandit has a great shape and performs excellent in the air. A Steve Shumate design from years ago, this one will keep you smiling as you throttle up and fly this aircraft like it's on rails. 

9. F-22 by Tomas Hellberg - One of the simplest builds out there, the F-22 features tabbed construction and simple thrust vectoring. Available as a kit or ready for you to tackle from scratch, the Raptor is an excellent build for quick fun. 

8. Hydro - The Hydro keeps on impressing with its popularity. Half boat half plane, the Hydro is happy where ever you want to fly, boat, or whatever!

7. F-15 v2 by Jamie Rothwell - An improved version of the F-15 previously designed by Jamie Rothwell, the V2 refines the score and fold technique used along with improvements to the canopy and scale of the model. An excellent choice. 

6. F-35 by RCCal - The F-35, like its cousin above (F-22 by Tomhe) is a great choice for those builders wanting to get up and rocking in few hours. Simple scale construction, thurst vectoring, and great performance on just about any power combination you can throw at it, the F-35 will leave you grinning. 

5. Mermaid by Marcel de Plessis - A non-jet, but based on a real aircraft, this excellent design is just like the name implies, it's comfortable in the water and is great to take off from grass as well. With the prop above the fuselage, the Mermaid is a must have versitle flyer for nearly all fields. 

4. Hotspot by Domenico Sebastiani - The Hot Spot is based on the Funjet and is proving to be just as popular. A mix of several different design cues, the Hot Spot performs like you expect; plenty of speed, plenty of ability and just lots of fun. 

3. SU-37 JR2 By Jamie Rothwell - This refined design features the Russian beauty, with improved performance and the option to cut off the canards for an SU-35 model as well. Score and fold makes this one go together quickly while still having a full fuse look. 

2. YF-23 by Craig Clarkstone - We said it at the time, this design is so beautiful to look at, it makes you want to build it. The YF-23 is just so smooth. The designer took a lot of time to document everything, so you have all the instructions and decals and tips you could need. This one just missed the top spot and we expect it will be around for a while. 

1. F-22 by Steve Shumate - The F-22 is again at the top of the list. As usual. Thrust vectoring, scale looks, available kit, and excellent documentation means the F-22 will keep you up at night just trying to get to the next level of scratch building for your parkjet fun. 

That wraps up March of 2014 for the Top 10 list. We want to thank all the designers that have let us host over 130 plans over the last few years. And keep downloading! As always, if you have a design, let us know and we will get it posted!